5 Things That Prove You Are Not A Failure

5 Things That Prove You Are Not A Failure

We know human beings are not perfect. We all long to success in all that we do, but sometimes our plans collapse. Bottom line, we’re not impeccable. So we are not failures simply because we stumble to make the right judgment at the right time. See below a list of few things that prove you are not a failure despite your imperfection.

Related: You May be Defeated, but You Didn’t Fail – Build Yourself Up from Your Defeats

Consistency. After so many falls, disappointments, and … you’re still trying. Consistency does not mean start today, continue tomorrow and the day after. Consistency is doing something at the regular speed no matter if it rains or not. Consistency is when you stay on the course day after day. So if you’ve been working on a particular project of yours and you put a piece together into it every day, you are showing consistent behaviors. Therefore, be proud of yourself as this is a sign that you haven’t failed yet despite the results you’ve been experiencing.

Continuous learning. Some fell on the high road and stop acquiring knowledge on how to get back on the course. Some others, do learn from their errors, gain new knowledge which comes with wisdom and keeps on going. This is the type of person you’re ought to be. Regardless of how much you think you know, if you’re not continuing to learn more than you knew before, then you could be considered a failure. Hence, if you learn from your mistakes, expand your intelligence and skill sets and apply them to your process, I guarantee you that you’re not a failure.

Acknowledge your inadequacy. So it says: Nobody’s perfect! Ain’t that right? It could be difficult or seem to be a shame for some of us to tell others of our flaws and our missteps. Don’t you think sometimes telling someone of your mistakes could help them not to commit the same? It could certainly help someone bypass some challenges and perhaps reach their goals sooner. It’s OK to tell the world that you’re not perfect (though I highly discourage Facebook post on the latter) but do that in a nice and wise manner by speaking with a friend, a mentor, or colleague may be. This could boost someone’s faith and strength to achieve greater.

Seek for enhancement. There are those individuals who are always seeking for ways to better themselves -and sometimes their communities. I have met a very bright individual recently named Lyme Vanessa who has inspired me in ways that she hopes to use to help a community of merchants in Haiti. This individual has failed before in some personal projects. Thus, she is seeking to develop a new process that will help her as well as assist her community. SO yes she was unsuccessful in a project, but she has learned and will continue with the project by using new elements that she did not know before.

Faith. Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Despite your disappointments, the various challenges that strike you from left to right, if you remain faithful to your dreams and your goals, then you will achieve them. I was taking a practice test last night and only got 3 out of 25 the first time I took the test. I said to my husband “I just can’t do this”. His reply was “You can’t only get it right because you believe you can’t”. Suddenly I realized if I have full faith that I can pass the practice test or do better than I can. So on my next try, I got 10 answers right. I certainly have full and unshakable faith that I will pass the actual test with high scores on the day of the test. However, I need to have faith in order for that to happen.

So this is a short list for many reasons. There are many other characteristics that would support the heading of this article. Nonetheless, I only enlist few…for now.

Remember, you are not a failure if you have experienced these signs. Do a quick evaluation of yourself. What are your flaws? Do you think you’re a failure? How can you shift your attitude knowing that you’re not a failure?

One thing I know for sure, it’s never too late to get started. So let’s start cultivating the above characteristics so you can realize your dreams —despite the high waves that have been shaking your life.

Let us achieve greatness together for the better.