Your Finances Can Get You Seriously Sick
Stress can be caused by many different things. A few years ago, my neurologist told me that I couldn’t afford to be stressed because it would lead to a mental break down –or even seizure episodes. I had no idea stress could trigger seizures. I was scared. I didn’t think I could live a normal life since life is stressful in and of itself.
There was one particular thing that caused me tremendous stress – my finances. It was so bad that the stress caused me to become physically sick. Many people like me experience stress because of their finances. We do need money to survive. Whether it’s to pursue the basics of life or simply to acquire our likes. Let’s get real here – we need cash to live!
I remember when I didn’t care about my finances. My credit cards were maxed out to the ceiling. I had no savings – though I had tried a couple of times, it never worked. I always had to close the savings account. And the funny thing is, I was still living at mama‘s house. So I could have saved.
I was stressed out because I saw myself working a full-time job and I couldn’t save a penny. My financial issues had brought me so much stress that I couldn’t even sleep at night. It wasn’t because of a reduced income. And it wasn’t the fact that I had considerable bills to pay. What it was, was a lack of self-discipline.
I was mentally and physically sick in every aspect. Until one day I got a wake-up call. Shout out to married life! Because it saved me from being mentally stressed out, physically sick, and financially unstable.
My lesson to you, don’t let your finances destroy your peace. If you’re reading this, you’re on the path to becoming a better you financially. You don’t have to be married per se. But there are aggregate steps you can take that can reduce your stressful life. Trust me, you do not want to live a life of stress; it’s not worth it.
You too can do it. Take a deep breath. Get a pen. And start working on some principles to get your finances together. That type of stress has got to go! Your life won’t be gold and silver in just minutes. It will take some time. Let us fix this together. I can see you on your way to becoming a better you.
Alright, let’s work on taking that stress away, together! Cheers to a better, healthier you!