Need Money Advice? Clear Your Calendar And Join The Haitian Millennial Money, 2022 Virtual Conference
Most of us grow up with limited knowledge about personal finance. Money management, long-term investment, or wealth-building strategies are not the leading household topics in Haitian households. Consequently, Haitian Millennial Money brings light to money conversations and facilitates transparent financial education in the Haitian Community. We recently connected with Co-founder Merline Raymond to give us the scoop on the upcoming virtual conference on September 17, 2022, at 11 AM (EST).
Tell us about Haitian Millennial Money.
Seeing a need to deliver engaging financial education to Haitian millennials, Haitian Millennial Money was created. The Haitian Millennial Money team curates financial literacy, investing, and entrepreneurship events and content to connect Haitian millennials with the knowledge and network to increase their financial confidence.
Why the 2022 Virtual Conference? What is the conference’s goal, and what is your target audience?
Our yearly conference goal is to increase financial literacy and encourage transparent conversations about money within the Haitian community. We specifically target Haitian millennials with a carefully crafted lineup of presenters prepared to give in-depth presentations on everything money, business, career, and overall financial growth.
How do you and your team prepare to develop this year’s conference?
Throughout the year, we researched and connected with financial literacy content creators, entrepreneurs, and community leaders who we think would bring value to our community. Then, as it got closer to this year’s conference, we came together to come up with topics, invite speakers and have a call to speakers.
What are some things happening this year that has never occurred at the Haitian Millennial Conference?
We believe your network is your net worth, so this year we have virtual speed networking for the first time during the conference. As a result, you might meet your next business partner.
Tickets are available for the 2022 conference at hmm2022.splashthat.com, and you can learn more about Haitian Millennial Money at haitianmillennialmoney.com.
The tickets are 100% free, but we encourage you to purchase a VIP ticket to support their mission.