3 Cool Ways To Live A Stress-Free Life

stress free

Friday evening is not a good time for me to be home with my husband. From the time I pick him up at the train station to the 5-minute ride home, I can hear and feel the whole world moving in my head. My husband is a very energetic and happy person. So Friday is his day! He screams, makes loud noise, shouts and makes humorous gestures, it’s beyond what I could possibly explain here. Bottom-line, he tries so hard to live a stress-free life.

But when I think about it, life is full of highs and lows, ups and downs, if you’re stressing yourself out Monday through Sunday, 24/7, then you can not be free and live a happy life. Often times, uncontrollable circumstances happen to all of us. We are not fully prepared for all the unpleasant conditions of life to bestow upon us. How do we stay stress-free? Is that even possible? Not entirely. But you could live in a way where you don’t allow life challenges take over and leave you with chronic mental sicknesses.

Just follow me here. I have some tips for you.

  1. Live as a Minimalist. I spend the first year after marriage living way more like a minimalist. I never realized there are so many things I could live without. My husband and I were operating in a minimal salary, yet we had everything we wanted. The basics are really what you need. Be able to differentiate wants and needs. You might want something desperately, but is it necessary? If you have the basics, you can and should pray for the wants. But don’t just spend the little that you have in things that are inessential.
  2. Have some fun. Science has proved the benefits of leisure time. From time to time, it is encouraged to allocate some time for self. Whether it’s reading a book, watching a TV show, walking with a loved one, or talking on the phone with a friend –as long as you’re not gossiping. It is essential you set some time aside to do something fun, and hey, enjoy life!
  3. Host a movie night. If you have a decent place with plenty of space for some friends to come over, please feel free to have a movie night with your close-knit friends. I probably won’t because my apartment is the size of a postal stamp, but yay you if you can! I’m sure the night-in could turn into some serious-enjoyable-intellectual dialogues about sports (for men), relationships (for a married couple), or shoes and clothes (for women). Yup, my girlfriends and I are always sharing ideas on clothes we hope to buy one day.

I know this list is not merely enough of the things you can do to be stress-free. But listen, it does not take much to live a happy life. Learn to make the best of what you have. Remind yourself every day that things will get better. And remember, enjoy life as you’re discovering how to be better, act better, and do better.