2018 Top 10 Influencers From Cap-Haitien
Cap-Haitien is the second most important city in Haiti concerning administration and economy. Nonetheless, it is the NUMBER ONE city when it comes to tourism and history. Young people from Cap-Haitien are very involved in the effort of making Haiti –as a whole, a better place. Either in politics, business, education or culture; the young adults from Cap-Haiti have a growing impact on their city, the country, and the world.
I have summed up the ten most prominent millennials from Cap-Haitien who have made a significant impact in 2018. What they have in common is their dedication in their specific field and passion for making Haiti proud.
Davidson Toussaint, Founder, and CEO of Haiti Tourism Inc. In February 2019, Davidson and his team will be organizing the biggest innovative tourism summit of the Caribbean in Cap-Haitien. He typically shares his knowledge and experience with youth groups in Haiti and abroad using diverse platforms.
Samuel Daméus, Founder and CEO of Faces of Haiti and Select Gentlemen’s Cut, photographer and rising star. He uses his talents to take the best images of Haiti and share them throughout the world. In December 2018, he unveiled the work of 18 promising photographers from all over Haiti after a competition –FacesofHaitiDiscoveries– organized by his company Faces of Haiti.
Herns Mesamours is a civil servant and a prominent voice of the Haitian diaspora. Herns has worked in different capacities related to the diaspora and diplomacy under several government administrations over the past few years. He currently works as a Consul in the Bahamas where his service to the Haitian community is well praised for his dedication and hard work.
Pascal Adrien is one of the youngest civil servants in Haiti. At the age of 26, Pascal is the spokesperson of the Haitian Prime Minister. Formerly, he was the Parliament’s President Chief of Staff. Pascal is very articulated and has proven to be one of the smartest of our generation.
Djedly François Joseph, currently majoring in political science at the Haiti State University, Campus of Limonade, has a passion for writing and literature. He is the Founder and CEO of Entre Les Pages, a non-profit organization promoting literature, debate, and reading. Djedly’s passion for writing has led him to publish regularly in one of the top newspapers in Haiti, Le National. He is currently a contributor at 4-better.com.
Katie-Flore Fils-Aimé, Head of services at Sogebank, is very involved with Group Echo Haiti and in several others Summits where she promotes innovative solutions to current issues. She is a respected speaker where she shares her experience at business and development related events. She is also a member of the Elan Haiti team –the most prominent international forum for youth projects in Haiti.
Hérode Charnel, a lawyer specialized in International Law and International Relations at The Hague, has founded the first online based Haitian University –Université Libre du Cap-Haitien. Apart from being a consultant at the Haitian Parliament, his Law Firm, Kay Dwa Kay Lwa, is one of the most modern law firms in the whole Hispaniola Island servicing numerous world-class companies. His love for Haiti and his vision for Law and Education, as well as his marvel creations, make him a unique character that the city of Cap-Haitien is proud of beyond measure.
Leonica Pierre Maintus, talented actress and jewelry designer, has starred in three esteemed Haitian movies (Journée de Coolers, Dix raisons pour tromper son mari, and Commerce de charme). Amongst these movies, one had over a million views on YouTube. This year, Leonica’s short film about violence on women in our society was selected at the Festival of the City of Montreal. Meanwhile, Leonica has her line of jewelry made out of fabric. She continues working on different short films, and we can undoubtedly shout that she is a beautiful woman with many talents.
Ejymson Valmir, agronomist, social entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of Cap-Vert Haiti, is passionate about promoting urban agriculture to fight hunger and to support healthy habits. In 2018, he took part in BEL Initiative, a training at Albany State University and Georgia Tech held by the Haitian American Chamber of Commerce for business people based in Haiti. He has previously served as the Hult Prize Campus Director at Université Roi Henry Christophe. His energy, passion and emotional intelligence make him one of the most notable leaders in Cap-Haitien.
Mike Bellot, Co-Founder and CEO of Solo Bag, and the Country Director of Hult Prize, was nominated by Forbes’ Devin Thorpe as one of the top ten young Haitian businessmen for his innovative business project, Solo Bag. He is an inspiration and an example of success for other generations to come.
Many others are working hard and serve as role models to our generation. Nonetheless, I had to choose only ten. As my team is supposed to have a coach and an assistant I will add Frandley Denis Julien and Cacendre Bélizaire as well. Follow all my nominees, their coaches, and teams acknowledging their outstanding work in Haiti and abroad.
Really inspiring!