Women Are Special Creatures From The Creator

Women: A special Creature from the Creator

Women are so special that society gives them their own day to celebrate. It is important to be present at the moment with a woman, to live with a woman, to completely stay with a woman for a while in order to understand this special creature (my husband’s words though).
I’m a woman and I’m sure my closest friends can testify the distinct features that separate females from males. I am a strong believer that indeed women are extraordinary in their own different ways.

The past few months I’ve been married have served as a revealing period in things I did not know previously regarding my personality, character, attitudes, and traits. As you go through life journey, you will discover things about yourself, your environment, and your community that you weren’t aware. These are the singular qualities I have discovered in women –that make them (us) different than the opposite gender.

Women are very gifted. I’m not being a feminist here, nonetheless, I do believe that women possess many capabilities that the other sex overlook. As in today’s society, we find more women in many different roles, becoming very accomplished in distinct subjects, working through innovations. And it is fair to highlight how women are very skilled and talented in their particular areas of work.

Women are passionate. As I have encountered and worked with many individuals throughout my personal and professional career, I find women to be more passionate than men. Although it is said that this specific feature is part of women’s nature. I sure thank our good Lord for the fired-passion He has instilled in every woman. If you find a woman working on something they’re not fully committed to, then this person is missing an atom. Though it’s not rare to find women who don’t show passion or simply show less than the others.

Women are strong and caring. I’ve tied those two adjectives together to highlight the caring feature of women which comes with very strong attitudes. Though I don’t quite want these features to be abused and overused when describing women. Society tends to see women are more caring, but it’s worth noting that they’re also strong individuals who tend to keep pushing regardless of their situations.

I have personally followed role models and prominent women today, and possibly this list will continue to grow as I encounter and learn from more women around the globe. Although I was more focus on the soft features of women, we can all agree that humanity would not exist without females. Kudos to all women out there and we shall celebrate our achievements every day –though society officially gives us one day.