Why You Should Open Your Mind To New Opportunities During This Outbreak
More than a million people infected around the world, counting thousands of casualties. COVID-19, originated from China in late 2019, is now a worldwide outbreak for which staying at home is the best cure.
The global economy is down as markets and major financial operations are suffering. Many people have temporarily lost their jobs, and in many countries, unemployment rates are higher than they’ve ever been. Even though China seems to be taking positive steps to escape from this outbreak, we can not say the same for some other areas of the word as major nations are still getting punched by the pandemic.
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Nevertheless, as harmful as this period might seem to many of us, some businesses are making enough profits from this crisis. For instance, significant tech and grocery business companies are gaining ground financially.
Some Quick Facts About The COVID-19 Outbreak
- Human beings are the fastest transmission channels of this pandemic, and it’s no surprise that governments around the world beg us to stay inside to prevent its spread.
- When being inside, isolation tends to bring us closer. The first thing that many of us think during quarantine is to reach out to our loved ones, friends, colleagues so that we can feel some attachments with others.
- Social distancing tends to create feelings close to disorientation, loneliness, boredom.
- Constant communication with peers is, for many, a positive way to survive the outbreak.
Now taking these facts into account, it becomes clearer that social media platforms are the best-positioned companies to keep up with this rising demand for constant communication. Facebook, the leader of the Social Media industry, has gone from 73% of total market share declining to 65%, respectively, from September 2019 to March 2020, according to Global Stats-Statcounter.
Meanwhile, Twitter and the famous photo-sharing media, Instagram, have experienced a rise going from 6.6% to 14.3% and from 2.4% to 8.5%, respectively. Besides, WhatsApp is the 3rd leading app in terms of total active users with 1.6 billion behind Youtube (2 billion) and the leader, Facebook, with nearly 2.45 billion (Statista, Feb 2020). It has also recorded 96 million app downloads just in February. Tiktok recorded 219 million downloads in the fourth quarter of 2019 and is the most non-game downloaded app.
What You Should Learn From These Insights
It’s not the best time to think about conventional means of making business as this outbreak is forcing us to consider more modern alternatives –mostly the ones we never thought of –to interact with each other. Having your mindset open to new opportunities requires you first to identify the common problems, and second, spot the different solution proposals that might help to solve those problems. Try answering this question: What do people (in my area, for example) need in this time of crisis? Or this one: What are the three most important things that people might need when everything is over?
Moreover, social media does not only facilitate your communication with others, but it also can be a free and accessible market where you could eventually sell your products or services. Having a mindset for new opportunities is merely taking the “path not taken” by others, which means seeing solutions where others see problems, opportunities where others see challenges.
Having a mindset for opportunities is bearing in mind that big companies were created to solve big problems or answer to immense needs. This ultimately means you can do the same as the world is getting closer and closer to you.
Just before you go, if the numbers above were not convincing enough then, these should dramatically impress you. Over 140 million businesses worldwide use Facebook apps to connect with customers, and Instagram counts over 25 million business accounts. Moreover, 200+ million Instagrammers visit at least one business profile daily.
In other words, this means that hundreds of millions of people around the world rely on social media platforms to know about what businesses are doing. Then you, too, could benefit from this incredible resource and make your business known to the general public.
The world is changing, so is how we do business. And when we say business, we’re talking about interactions, transactions being operated worldwide, and it’s about time you stopped regurgitating the traditional ways of doing business. This pandemic is a threat and therefore lies beneath it many opportunities waiting for you to uproot them.
Do NOT overthink, do NOT procrastinate! Start thinking about what problems your community is facing actually and open your mind to possibilities that are stealthily hidden, and (of course) wash your hands regularly.