Did You Know That Smoking Hookah Is Very Harmful To Your Health?

Did you know that in a single puff of chicha you swallow the equivalent of a whole cigarette or more? … According to the WHO, a narghile session has the same impact on health as smoking 20 to 30 cigarettes. 

People know that smoking is not a good health practice, but many think it’s different for the hookah … So, think again! Hookah is very harmful to your health, both for those who smoke and for those who are exposed to the smoke. The smoke of the shisha is rich in carbon monoxide and 7 times higher than that of the cigarette. This consumption of smoke rich in carbon monoxide (CO) increases the risk of cancer (lung, lips, bladder, or aerodigestive tract), chronic bronchitis, or cardiovascular problems.

In this connection, researchers from Brighton and Sussex Medical School University have been conducting research on a sample of 9.840 smokers and non-smoking with their blood tests for a study compared to the consequences of Chicha’s fumes or cigarettes on the body. They said that narghile smokers have more risk of gaining two times more weight and developing type 2 diabetes concerning non-smokers.

Analysis of the results also showed that there is a higher risk of dyslipidemia (an abnormality in blood fat levels) in hookah smokers than in cigarette smokers.

 Contrary to the ideas passed on, shisha is not a healthier way to smoke. Although it looks more attractive to young people and women, the narghile is a case of smoking even more dangerous to health and people should not ignore it. It contains between 25 to 30% tobacco mixed with fruit flavors, molasses, preservatives, and texture agents.

In addition to complications, the likely exchange of the narghile mouthpiece may also transmit herpes, hepatitis, or tuberculosis.