Don’t Let Your Past Define Your Present And Your Future
As far as I can remember, I’ve made many mistakes. I’ve encountered various setbacks. And I’ve endured countless misfortunes. I mean seriously. The past years have placed various good and bad memories. But we do our best to cling on to the good memories, so the bad ones don’t keep us from moving onward with purpose. As such, you can’t let your past define your current way of life or even your future.
Life comes with satisfactory instants accompanied with undeserving ordeals of all sort. But a man or woman who keeps their character along with a positive attitude will continue to grow in spite of the unfortunate accounts of the former days.
If I did not learn to go forward and to lean on to what’s good, I would still be a young woman hiding in a corner waiting for the end to come. That’s what happens when you’re living with no hope. Hence, I have bypassed all prospects and refused to stay in a lonely corner alone. This is what you do when you want to leave your past behind —although your past is the piece that molds you to the person that you are today whether you’re wiser or bitter.
Live the present moment. We live in a fast-paced era. We are so focused on getting things done. Achieving our goals. Following step-by-step our agenda. But we have got to live in the moment. Consecrate every minute you have to a life full of joy, happiness, and kindness. I have to remind myself every day to take time for myself and to simply cherish life. Believe you me that’s how you live in the moment. You embrace every minute you have and make the best out of every circumstance life throws at you.
Redefine your vision. Your vision entails the ideal place you want to be in the near future. Where you want to get to in the next few years. God knows for sure what lies ahead for each and every one of us. Thus, that shouldn’t stop you from establishing your vision board. Your vision board includes your short and long-term objectives –could be personally or professionally. From building a life that will sustain you in the days ahead. Or working as much as you can to secure tomorrow. Think every day how you can work better, act smarter, and perform with superiority.
Remember the past, but hold on to the good memories. I specifically say good memories because the dreadful ones can hold you from progressing towards advancement. There’s this voice within you that might start saying: remember who you used to be? What did you use to do? How did you use to act? How did they use to treat you? Forget this voice! Whenever it comes to knock in your mind, cast it away with a song. A prayer. A Psalm. Anything that would send the gruesome recollections away from your mind. And that’s why it’s best to relive the good memories but cast away the bad ones.
Thus, whether good or bad memories, no matter how your past was, everything that happens in your past happens for a reason. I’m sure you’ve heard that before, and God knows it’s the truth. We can not rewrite our past, but I have the ultimate assurance that we can reshape our future.
Some people chose to move on and better themselves. And some others decide to stay just where they were. But I’ll tell you this, whatever does not kill you it will make you better. Don’t let your past define your present. It’s never too late to move on and move ahead. And now is the perfect time to get on up and take a step forward to redefining your current and forthcoming days.
Good job .if you can leave her telephone if some one need to try please.
DEK’s Family and Friends are overwhelmingly happy and grateful for this opportunity; they have been reading this interview over and over.
There’s no words to describe how Happy we all are!!!! Thank you Again 4-BETTER for Highlighting and Welcoming our new baby DEK (Denise Epis-Kreyol) into our Community…
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