Meet Jameson Thermitus From Haiti Meet And Greet: An Initiative Connecting Individuals Interested In Photography, Filmmaking, And Entrepreneurship
Most recently, I have witnessed many new innovative ventures, platforms, events currently happening in Haiti. They all have unique objectives and aims, and we certainly hope that they initiate the conversation for changes (in basic public goods) that Haiti needs to advance in this techie world.
Haiti Meet and Greet is one of those initiatives bringing together professionals in photography and related disciplines to share their experience with others. I recently had an opportunity to connect with one of the founders to get more insights regarding this initiative.
Please introduce yourself.
I am Jameson Thermitus, specializing in fashion, portrait and editorial photography based in Haiti. Throughout my career, I was able to photograph many public figures in Haiti such as models, artists, and political leaders. I am one of the founders of Haiti Meet and Greet.
What is Haiti Meet and Greet? Its purpose and vision?
Haiti Meet and Greet is one of the biggest events in Haiti that gathers all professionals to share knowledge about photography, graphic design, filmmaking, and entrepreneurship. We also open our platform to connect magazine institutions and agencies with photographers, graphic designers, and models. Our purpose is to share our knowledge, experiences, and expertise with each other.
How did you launch this initiative? How many people in the team?
This is an activity that many other countries have been successful in. I wanted Haiti to be considered a part of those countries. When you have such a great idea you will always need people whom you can trust to accompany you along the road and to help you reach your destination. This is why I seek for the assistance of two other photographers to help me accomplish this activity. These two clever individuals are Luckner Aristide and Stephane Bazin.
What is it this initiative trying to solve in Haiti?
Our primary responsibility is to share our artistic knowledge with others operating in similar fields. This is one of the reasons why we choose three speakers in related disciplines to talk about their experience, practices, and method. This platform offers to everyone in their respective field the privilege to share their expertise with others, and how to properly apply that expertise to contribute to the best of Haiti.
What is your role in all of this?
My role as a photographer is to underline the significance of photography in Haiti and help to bring it to another level. I will make an endeavor to accomplish it with everyone who finds an interest in this industry, and to those who are willing to help.
What are some strategies you have implemented thus far?
One specific strategy I am using right now is searching for people in the Haitian community who have already been successful in photography and related discipline to share their experience during our events.
How many events have you organized? Do they have a different purpose?
We have organized one edition with the second one next week! Our goal is to have two editions every year, each edition will have a different purpose. For example, for the second edition our purpose was to find this famous Haitian photographer, so he could share how he was capable to organize various expositions in several countries and to also reveal how he got started in this effort.
Please share some success stories or anecdotes from the previous events?
For the first edition, Haiti Meet and Greet was a huge success. We had multiple photographers, models, makeup artists and entrepreneurs who made it in attendance. We also had some very important guests who have been in the industry for a long time who shared their experiences with the audience. We receive some great feedback from the attendees and that motivates us to continue on with the second edition.
Where do you see Haiti Meet and Greet in the next two years?
In two years, I see Haiti Meet and Greet as an activity that will bring many great personalities within and outside out of the country, an event that will spread out in other cities within Haiti, and a movement that gives the youth the opportunity to share their thoughts and explore their talents.
What are some trends that are expanding at a broader level in Haiti?
I can say modeling, photography and makeup artists are some particular trends expanding in Haiti right now.
Anything else, in particular, you would like to share with our readers?
I would like to invite all the diaspora to come and help the country. Their support will bring a lot of improvements to this activity. Those who have knowledge in any particular field will be able to share what they know with us and assist us as well. We want professional people to physically be in Haiti to contribute to activities alike.
Three words that describe Haiti Meet and Greet.
Knowledge, Experience, and Expertise.