“I chose Sea Moss & Herbs Because They Revived My Failing Organ” -Meet Rose Howard, The Founder Of Roses Holistic Garden
Wouldn’t you do anything to be and stay healthy? This might sound cliché, but when an unfortunate health crisis hits us, we tend to shut down and plunge into a depressive state. Rose Howard, the founder of Roses Holistic Garden, felt that way when she discovered she was diagnosed with kidney failure a few years ago.
“I weighed 100 lbs. and was dying away,” stated Rose. When Rose found out she had kidney failure, she had absolutely no interest in doing anything, and that’s when her husband built a garden for her as a pastime as she underwent dialysis for 10 hours a day. Nevertheless, after her husband made the garden with zero experience in gardening, it was now producing many fruits, vegetables, and more. Since then, she became interested in gardening as a therapeutic activity.

Photo Credit: Rhodes Blake Photography
Meanwhile, Rose was also eating the fresh vegetables from the garden and became obsessed with healthy living. As a result, she started feeling strong and healthy, taking care of herself, and ensuring that the whole family was eating healthy too.
Eventually, Rose got a kidney donor, but her body started rejecting it. And that is when her friend told her about the benefits of Sea Moss. She began taking Sea Moss daily and was documenting her experience via Instagram. Her followers were amazed by her results and began to ask her more questions about Sea Moss. From then, Rose started learning about the process of making the Sea Moss gel herself so she could offer it to people who wanted to use it.
Officially in 2020, during the pandemic, Roses Holistic Garden was born. This came from the pesticide-free garden her husband created in their backyard. “I had no intentions of starting a business,” indicated Rose.
How does your background prepare you to create and maintain Roses Holistic Garden as a business? I think my background prepared me extensively for what I’m doing now. This isn’t a trend for me; this is real life. I have seen how it affected my body. Even my doctors noticed how it changed my life and told me to keep doing what I’m doing because my body loves it! Seeing and believing in my product made me 100% prepared to stand confidently and bold behind my products and what I offer. When I create new products or herbs, I always think about the person that is in pain, depressed, and just sick and needs healing. I pray and thank God beforehand for their recovery because I know exactly how it feels.

Photo Credit: Rhodes Blake Photography
How would you describe your niche, and how did you get to choose that niche for your business? I didn’t choose my niche; my niche chose me due to my health. It leads me to the path of “Natural Wellness,” which is beneficial for overall mental, emotional, and physical health. I chose Sea Moss & herbs because they revived my failing organ, and I just had to spread and share the power of natural medicine with the world.
What is one thing you think everyone can do to stay healthy post-Covid-19? I think COVID-19 showed how fragile your health is and how important it is to nourish your body. Many people look “HEALTHY” and young; however, they could be going through an illness that’s literally killing them simply because they are not truly taking care of their health. One thing I would tell people to do post-Covid would be to strengthen their immune system every single day. Regardless if they are sick or not. You can do that by taking a super multivitamin like Sea Moss which contains 92 minerals.
What business-inspired books, podcasts, or websites have inspired you the most? The book that inspires me the most would be African Holistic Health by Laila O. I get most of my inspiration from Instagram and TikTok. I follow many people and businesses in my field, so I always get inspired when I’m online.

Photo Credit: Rhodes Blake Photography
What message would you pass on to our entrepreneurial community? Make sure that whatever field you choose, you do it with passion and have FAITH.
As an entrepreneur, what’s your number one strategy to stay productive and motivated? My first strategy is to remain productive and motivated through continuous learning. Education is a constant process and never ends. The more you know, the more you will do and add to your business, and the more you will stay motivated. Also, because you’re the “Boss” of your business, it’s essential to have discipline. Now that we live in a social media-driven world, learning how to market online is crucial to your business growth. Understanding social media will help your business thrive because it is a platform that can extend your client’s reach from all over the world.
Do you have any advice for those seeking help through their entrepreneurial journeys? Ask as many questions as possible from those around you in the field you’re interested in before starting your next venture. Let your brain be a sponge and learn as much as you can.
Where can we find more about your business? We are on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok @RosesHolisticGarden. Also, check out our website: www.rosesholisticgarden.com