Don’t Look Any Further – Act Upon Your Immediate Opportunities
I used to be one of those individuals who would wait and wait to see what the future holds. But it shouldn’t be that way. Some people can never grasp the fact that they have enough in their hands to have a full and happy life. I came to a point where I stopped waiting for the forthcoming days and acted upon the immediate opportunities that were set before me. My advice: use the now-possibilities.
But wait? How can you use your current means, claim your advantages, and also wait for opportunities that lie ahead?
Allow me to point out some factual aspects that will help you determine your individuality and what you need to adjust to in order to move towards actions.
- Nearsighted individuals. There are people who are only focused on what they currently possess. They can only see immediate opportunities, focused on current challenges, and live only for the moment. They overlook the imminent days. Those people are considered as those who don’t make plans, has no vision, and unquestionably don’t care about what the future has in store. Well, I have breaking news for you. Don’t pretend there’s only today. Think about tomorrow, the next day, the next week, better yet, form long-term goals that will benefit your remaining years on this planet. When Moses got stuck at the Red Sea, he lifted up his eyes to the mountains and cried to God because it seemed as though it was impossible to cross the red sea. Then God asked him, what do you have in your hands? Moses responded, just a staff. God told him to use it. And yup, the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, as it was dry land.
- Farsighted individuals. These are people who only place emphasis on what tomorrow has to bring. They refuse to apply their current means to live a better life, to move forward, or to act. They reject opportunities that are before them and keep looking for the next big thing. O No…you gotta start from 1 before you reach 10. If you start from 10, then there’s a chance where you will fall back to the initial number or steps that you missed. So, you have to utilize the opportunities in front of you because they might not be available in the future. Do you have an idea, a goal, a dream, and a plan? Then act now by using what you have.
- Blind folks. And there are those individuals who are completely blind to what they have and what they can utilize to be their best. Those people lack perseverance, mantra, patience, and especially eyes to see the opportunities around them. While it’s good to see the far-off profits, you must claim the present advantages, and apply them as need be.
Now, what can you do to not be a blind, nearsighted, or farsighted individual? Examine your life! What is that you want to do and you feel like it’s not the right time? What is it that you want to accomplish and you feel as if you don’t have the means? Perhaps if you start with what you have the rest will come. All you need is to use your current opportunities to sketch your vision. Step-by-step, little by little, one move at a time, I assure you, you will get closer to reaching your destination.
I promise you by doing so, you will be better, act better, and do better. Are you with me?
Alright, let’s stop looking and start doing!