Pick Up On A New Hobby While You Are In Quarantine
Most parts of the world have been on government lockdown the past few weeks. Some people can work from home; for some others, this is not an option. With that said, you have ample time to accomplish many things, including picking up on a new hobby and get creative. There might be something you’ve always imagined working on but never have the time to do it. Good news, it’s time to reduce your Netflix binge-watching or challenge-participation and do something else. It’s as simple as that.
There is power in your words. Say to yourself, “today is the day I start doing something else with my time!” And don’t just say it, also do it. In most cases, you might have to create a quick plan on how you’re going to deliver on your unique intentions or work on your new hobby.
I’m a believer. Kingdom citizen. Follower of Jesus Christ. I used to pray, but I’ve gained momentum in praying for the past few weeks. I can firmly say now this has become my number one pastime. I recall on my first week working from home, I was terrified, I felt as if I was being locked in my own home and couldn’t get out. Needless to say, that’s pretty much what it is! By the time I reached Friday that week, I felt as if I was losing my mind. I quickly reached out to my prayer warriors, and we’ve been praying every day from Monday through Friday in the evenings.
I also have a passion for photography but never had the chance to learn about the proper skills of becoming a good photographer. I’m proud to call myself now a photographer-in-training. I’ve been crafting my picture-taking skills and watching some YouTube videos on the latter. Did I mention I am also taking a Personal Finance class through McGill University online? I’ve clearly clung to various spiritual and recreative pursuits to help me through this challenging time.
Although I work long hours, more extended hours than I’m used to, I still try to find time to wander my mind to other subjects. I call this “preserving my mental health or mental work out.” I don’t want to be watching the news after a long day working from home. I don’t want to go to my room and scroll up and down the social and mainstream media news feed. I just want to do something different, so I can collect myself and recharge for tomorrow.
Do you like writing? Maybe it’s time to start journaling or blogging. You could easily document every day while you’re being confined at home, especially if you’re temporarily out of a job. Do something different while you’re at home. Find some ways to give your life meaning, a new meaning perhaps, and a hobby could help you do that.
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